
High performing, productive pastures are the powerhouse behind Australia’s leading livestock, wool and dairy industries. Incitec Pivot Fertilisers supplies quality fertilisers to graziers and dairy farmers across the eastern States of Australia, including Tasmania.

Incitec Pivot Fertilisers works closely with a network of Dealers across eastern Australia to supply fertilisers to some of Australia’s best growers.

Pasture fertilisers are in demand in late summer and early autumn, as graziers aim to apply phosphorus and sulphur prior to the autumn break.
In late winter and early spring, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilisers help drive dry matter responses and improve the quality of hay and silage.

Productive dairy farms may require nutrients all year round to boost pasture growth and maintain soil fertility.

Incitec Pivot Fertilisers’ pasture range includes:

the right balance of phosphorus and sulphur to meet the needs of most pasture systems in a quality granule

or combine the benefits of SuPerfect with additional nutrition from Muriate of Potash or trace elements
Green Urea NV
a nitrogen fertiliser with the added security of a urease inhibitor to protect the fertiliser from volatilisation losses
containing nitrogen and a balance of other essential nutrients designed to boost spring growth and improve pasture, hay and silage quality

Our product range is supported by sound science, including ongoing trial work uncovering new plant nutrition insights for productivity and sustainability.
Find out more here.

A balanced soil is needed to grow productive pastures. 

The best way to ensure paddocks are fertile and free from nutrient deficiencies is to soil test.

Find out how Nutrient Advantage can give you the advantage here.