Cotton and Summer Crop

Incitec Pivot Fertilisers is committed to supplying cotton and summer crop growers with the right fertilisers for optimum crop nutrition, growth and profit.

Our team works closely with a network of local Dealers based in Queensland and New South Wales to support cotton and summer crop growers all year round.

Growers know that good nutrition is needed to achieve good economic returns. 

Dryland and irrigated crops need high levels of nitrogen, with pre-plant applications starting up to six months prior to planting. Phosphorus, potassium, sulfur and zinc may also be applied in the lead-up to sowing or at sowing to give crops all the nutrients they need.

Foliar sprays, topdress applications, water run and sidedress applications are used during the season to keep the nutrition up for hungry, fast-growing crops.

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Consider using the following services and fertilisers:

Helping growers achieve greater productivity through reliable soil, plant tissue, water, compost and grain testing, coupled with expert nutrient advice and decision support.
Our new soil health package delivers four key benefits.

Provides more sustained nitrogen supply to the crop in line with crop needs, reducing denitrification and leeching.

Slows the nitrogen volatilisation breakdown process to reduce ammonia losses.
Granulock Z
A tried and true starter fertiliser offering uniform application of plant available zinc in a high phosphorus granule.
COTTON SUSTAIN  A pre-plant fertiliser high in phosphorus and potassium that helps ensure potassium will be available to the coming crop.

A soil ameliorant with fast acting organic compounds and compatible with all other IPF fertiliser ingredients.
CUSTOMBLENDS  We offer more than 900 standard blends, with a further 3,600 custom blends generated on request from accredited advisers and IPF distributors.
Easy N
A flexible liquid nitrogen fertiliser for liquid injection into the soil, application by streaming nozzles or dribble bars, water running or foliar sprays.